Friday, September 5, 2014

Jail breaking Cognos: Fix ClickJacking in Cognos

All of us who work with Cognos, know that sometimes how difficult it can be to fix or customize a simple request from the End user, for example modifying Prompt behaviors.
I’ve faced my share of Fancy requests like Hiding the Prompt name from the Drop-down <ToDo> or Reload a prompt without Refreshing the page.
Thanks to experts like “Cognos Paul” and groups like Ironside and Cognoise, we know how to get these done.

This time I got a little more complex request than UI customizations. In the security testing for our application, Testing team reported that Cognos is susceptible to  ClickJacking (or Frame busting).
IBM replied with “you can configure your Web-Server to set X-FRAME-OPTIONS that disables framing”.
But this works  only with latest browsers and if the victim is using a really old browser, like Mozilla 3.20 in our case, then it doesn’t.

There is a simple Solution to this, provided by OWASP, Link:
Add the following code to the landing page of your application.

Now comes the second part of the problem. In our application we are using Cognos LDAP authentication and hence don’t have a customized page for Login.
So the solution was to find Where to add this piece of code in Cognos so that the entire portal is secured from this issue.

With some effort I figured out that there are two pieces of the puzzle. First is that Cognos generates the HTML from its XSL files at runtime, so we can’t directly paste the code in the HTML.
Second was that there are some JS files, which are loaded for every page, as required by the portal.

So I found that for Login page, HTML is generated from this “render.xsl” file and for Landing/Portal pages, “framework.xsl”.
Then I added the above code to these two files like this:

For Login page:

For Portal pages:

You have to do it in two places as “framework.xsl” didn’t allow us to add HTML “Style” element, which then has to be added to  “presentation.xsl

For “framework.xsl

If done correctly, any webpage which tries to use your portal in an iframe, your portal will bust out of that frame and URL will be changed to actual portal URL.

Hope it helps.

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