Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Override the properties in wro.properties

Sometimes there is a need to override some properties on local environment to facilitate faster development. If you have implemented the wro4j using spring then it is very easy to override any property in wro.properties file.

Just replace the  wroProperties bean in the applicationContext.xml with below code and spring will look for the property file from other locations.
    <bean id="wroProperties"
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true"></property>
<property name="locations">

Property "<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true"></property>" ensures that bean creation will not fail even if the wro.properties file is missing. And property file at location mentioned latter overrides the property file before it. Means, if there is a property file at user home then it will override all the property file at other locations.

In my development setup I have placed a wro.properties i user home and set the managerfactoryclassname property to my custom class which disables the minimization. 
(To disable minimization check my blog at: http://msquare-tech.blogspot.in/2012/10/disable-minimizing-resources-when-using.html)


Disable minimizing the resources when using wro4j

After implementing the wro4j in my application, the performance of the pages improved but there was one problem. Now because all the resources are minified, it become difficult to debug the Javascript issues from Firebug. 
I resolved the above issue by following below steps:

1. Extending the "DefaultGroupExtractor" class and overriding only one method :
* Never minimize the resources

  public boolean isMinimized(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return false;
2.  Extending the "BaseWroManagerFactory" class and setting new group extractor as created in step 1:
* Return the custom extractor as created above.
  protected GroupExtractor newGroupExtractor() {
    return new CustomDefaultGroupExtractor(); // extractor created in step 1
3. In the wro.properties file add the manager factory class as below:

4. Restart the server. Now you will see no resources are minimized.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Implement wro4j in five steps.

WRO4J (Web Resource Optimizer For Java) is an awesome open source resource optimizer. I recently implemented it in my application. So here I am providing steps I followed to implement it and issues I faced.

Tools used: Maven

1. Add maven dependency for the WRO4J in you pom.xml as follows:

2. Add a filter in web.xml as follows:

3. Under WEB-INF create a folder wro.xml with content as follows:

This will create a js and css at runtime by combining all js and css under the group all and return and all.js and all.css respectively.

4. Under same folder WEB-INF create another file wro.properties with content as follows:

5. Open any new existing JSP page and add a js call as follows:
and for css add the call as:
Thats it!! Now start your server and open your page.

I faced one issue while implementing wro4j and that is due to a dependency of wro4j jars. This version of wro4j requires commons-io.2.1 but because some other dependency older version of common-io got loaded. I did not get any error but was getting empty results when calling /wro/all.js and /wro/all.css. So, be careful.
