Saturday, March 29, 2014

How to quickly setup ActiveMQ broker, publisher and subscriber

Last week I was working on an issue related to ActiveMQ messaging. During my debugging the most painful part was to start the entire application and then execute the test scenario just to test some functionality or feature in ActiveMQ. After spending some time I realized that to speed up my debugging and anaysis I have to create a separate application/program which I can start and stop quickly after making changes. So, I created two programs:
ActiveMQPublisherTest: This program start the ActiveMQ broker and then push messages into a queue.
ActiveMQSubscriberTest: This program listens to the ActiveMQ broker started by "ActiveMQPublisherTest" and receives the event published by it.

I have published the entire source code on GitHub at:

To use these programs you just need to change the XML files to point to your database.

Any suggestions or feedback is welcome.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

How to verify if a file which belongs to an RPM is modified?

Recently I had to struggle to find out a way to verify if a file which belongs to an RPM is modified or not. After searching a bit on google I found that there is a option in "rpm" tool to verify all the files but there is no direct way to find if a particular file is modified. So, I decided to create a function which can help me doing that.

 isFileModified {
  if rpm -Vf $FILE | grep $FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 && rpm -Vf $FILE | grep $FILE \
| awk -F" " '{print $1}' | grep -e ".*5.*" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    return 0
    return 1

rpm -Vf $FILE : Returns list of all the files which got modified in the RPM package.
grep $FILE : Check if the file to be checked is in the list of modified file.
awk -F" " '{print $1}' : Truncates the attributes of the provided file
 grep -e ".*5.*"  : Check if the md5 digest of the file is changed.

So, the functions returns 0 if the file's md5 digect is changed after it is installed by the RPM. Else it will return 0.
